Week 2 of marathon training is in the bag. It was something of a hit and miss week, but I got there in the end I think.
The Monday standard of a 4 mile recovery run early in the morning (usually done on the treadmill at the gym, but this time done on the roads as I had a parcel to collect from the delivery office, which doesn't open until 7.30am), then 9 more treadmill miles and a Body Pump class in the evening. This time it didn't give me such terrible DOMS.
Damned bloating! Or is it abdominal distension. Apparently the two are not the same thing. Anyway, I looked pregnant. There was only one other distance runner at the track session, and she's considerably faster than I am, so I ended up doing the short and painful session for middle distance runners. 4 x 400m, 4 x 300m, 4 x 200m. Takes forever and hurts like hell! Still, it was my first full session since injury so I was pleased to get through it. The 400s were in 78s, the 300s in 57s and the 200s in 35s. I have no idea if those times are decent or not!
I joined my old club for a run in the woods. They were doing intervals so I just tagged along at the back and caught them up after their efforts. Took some stick for writing a blog about toilet habits! I thought I'd best not mention that by the time we got back to the leisure centre I really, really, really needed to go! 11 miles in total.
By now my legs were trashed. I hadn't had a rest day since Monday of week 1 so I decided it was time for one. I went and did the supermarket shop instead and made a gluten free, egg free, dairy free chocolate cake.
This was the 'miss'. My legs felt better but I had some errands to run and by the time I'd done them I was starving hungry, so I had some cake. I figured I'd better let it digest so I faffed about a bit, moving furniture and stuff in preparation for the arrival of the new treadmill. Then it was raining. Then I got caught up reading about EDS as someone posted about it in an IBS group and I have or have previously had a number of the syptoms/markers such as ganglions and hypermobility. Then I was hungry again and stupidly ate more cake. Then I gave up and went to bed!
This day had been planned for some time. Andy was having a shiny new parkrun PB and Paul and I were going to pace him to it. We paced his previous best of 25.13 and this time nothing slower than 24.59 would do, preferably faster. Paul took his watch off him, I instructed him not to talk other than to answer yes and no. Stuart joined us too and had his app set in kms, so we had 3 Garmins in miles and 1 app in kilometres, 3 pacers and one pacee! I probably talked too much, but Andy finished in 24.13 - a whole minute faster. Then he headed off for a 90 mile bike ride!
Stuart came to help me move some stuff and collect the treadmill from Graham. I was going to save up for a half decent one for Christmas as my gym contract ends then, but Graham mentioned he was selling his and well, there's no time like the present, especially when it means spending significantly less cash. Jeezuz that thing is heavy. I don't quite know how, but we got it into Stuart's van. We had to borrow Mr Next Door and Elder Teen to get it out of the van and into the house. I must take them round a bottle of wine or something!
Having accepted defeat with putting it back together again I headed out for a second run to make up for Friday's missed run.
Long run - 20.3 miles to bring up 65 for the week. It felt easier than last week's 18. Then Graham popped round to help me put the treadmill together (OK, he put it together and I occasionally held bits in place) and I spent some time emptying out my alcohol cabinet (a lovely old church cabinet) as I want it to go upstairs. It's too heavy for me so will be relying on the generosity of others again!
Other than Tuesday's bloating my insides have behaved themselves remarkably well this week. I've still heard nothing on my tests so I suppose I just wait for the consultant's secretary to return from her holidays!
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Stafford HM 2014
Sunday, 28 June 2015
Thursday, 25 June 2015
Private Joke?
So it was about 10 days ago that I had my tests done at the posh private hospital. A week later I hadn't heard anything so I phoned them to ask. I was put through to someone else, who put me through to an answerphone that informed me that the consultant's secretary is on holiday until July 6th and that I should call the main reception.
Hang up.
Dial again.
Explain that I don't want to be put through to an answer machine and that I'd like to know my results please.
'Ah, that'd be Lesley, she's on holiday'
'So I gathered, so how do I get my results?'
'Er, I don't know'..... 'I'll take your number and get back to you'.
That was on Tuesday. It's now Thursday. I still haven't heard anything. And I thought the NHS was bad!
Hang up.
Dial again.
Explain that I don't want to be put through to an answer machine and that I'd like to know my results please.
'Ah, that'd be Lesley, she's on holiday'
'So I gathered, so how do I get my results?'
'Er, I don't know'..... 'I'll take your number and get back to you'.
That was on Tuesday. It's now Thursday. I still haven't heard anything. And I thought the NHS was bad!
Sunday, 21 June 2015
A Week of Firsts
So, this is the FIRST week of my 16 week training block for the Chester Marathon. I was supposed to run it last year but picked up a hip injury getting out of a car! Then of course I was supposed to run the London Marathon this year but fell during the National Cross and damaged a nerve in my leg, which put an end to any sort of training at all for a while.
Another FIRST, a rest day on day one. This was due to having been to the Download festival the day before, and to having to see the GI doc. It just seemed wise.
A steady 7.5 mile run. I hadn't run since Friday's night's 10 mile race and everything felt clunky and weird for the first few miles. Also I was having some unwanted GI issues in the form of blood that really, really shouldn't be there. Typical, it would start the day AFTER I saw the gastroenterologist.
The bleeding was worse, which was preying on my mind before the race. Notts Summer League race series. Another FIRST. For the FIRST time ever I was FIRST lady at one of these league events. I've won the whole series before, but never an individual race. And afterwards the bleeding had stopped. Cured by racing a stupidly hilly race! I didn't actually realise I was winning it at any point. I knew I was in second place and that my clubmate Nikki was storming of ahead. I was concerned with staying ahead of the Worksop and Newark runners who are my main rivals for the League title. The pace was slow as I still had Friday in my legs and the hills were killer. The Worksop girl was on my shoulder at one point, but I managed to pull away. I just wasn't sure how much of a gap I'd put into her. I threw myself down the final hill to the finish line and was handed the no. 1 token. Instead of being pleased I was annoyed with Nikki for dropping out! It's a team competition as well.
7 treadmill miles split into two runs around Body Pump class. FIRST time I'd done that on a Thursday and also the FIRST time I'd done it for about 6 weeks. That would come back to haunt me for the next two days! There was a guy in the class who wore his hoodie zipped right up to the neck and with the hood up for the whole class. As we'd say up North, what a divvie! By the end he was down to puny weights and grimacing as if he were lifting 5 times the weight.
Oh my God, DOMS! Somehow I managed to run in the evening. It was supposed to be 10 miles but I misremembered the route and it was nearly 11. Oops. I was suffering with acid reflux during the whole run, then with heartburn all night. Do I have any Gaviscon in the house? No, of course not!
The FIRST ever Gedling parkrun, which is handily just 1.5 miles from my house. That is the hilliest and hardest course I have ever run. I knew that of course, I've run in there before, but I hadn't attempted to run quickly. Anyway, I was FIRST lady, so I temporarily hold a course record. It was really slow though, so it won't last long!
FIRST proper long run since February. In the context of marathon training I don't consider anything under 18 miles to be 'long'. I had to do an out and back route due to a cycling event taking place. I had wanted to avoid the nature reserve but had no choice. In June it's full of obstacles and hazards in the forms of families with children, dogs and bikes, elderly birdwatchers who dawdle around on the paths taking up too much space, and beasties. Lots of beasties. I think I ate about a hundred of them, and a good few more were stuck to my T-shirt. Bleurgh. Anyway, it wasn't exactly easy, but 18 miles bagged.
So 60.5 miles bagged. Reading back over my blogs from the last marathon I actually ran (London 2014) I'd say I'm in a slightly better position fitness wise, but I was battling snow back then, rather than midgies!
Another FIRST, a rest day on day one. This was due to having been to the Download festival the day before, and to having to see the GI doc. It just seemed wise.
A steady 7.5 mile run. I hadn't run since Friday's night's 10 mile race and everything felt clunky and weird for the first few miles. Also I was having some unwanted GI issues in the form of blood that really, really shouldn't be there. Typical, it would start the day AFTER I saw the gastroenterologist.
The bleeding was worse, which was preying on my mind before the race. Notts Summer League race series. Another FIRST. For the FIRST time ever I was FIRST lady at one of these league events. I've won the whole series before, but never an individual race. And afterwards the bleeding had stopped. Cured by racing a stupidly hilly race! I didn't actually realise I was winning it at any point. I knew I was in second place and that my clubmate Nikki was storming of ahead. I was concerned with staying ahead of the Worksop and Newark runners who are my main rivals for the League title. The pace was slow as I still had Friday in my legs and the hills were killer. The Worksop girl was on my shoulder at one point, but I managed to pull away. I just wasn't sure how much of a gap I'd put into her. I threw myself down the final hill to the finish line and was handed the no. 1 token. Instead of being pleased I was annoyed with Nikki for dropping out! It's a team competition as well.
7 treadmill miles split into two runs around Body Pump class. FIRST time I'd done that on a Thursday and also the FIRST time I'd done it for about 6 weeks. That would come back to haunt me for the next two days! There was a guy in the class who wore his hoodie zipped right up to the neck and with the hood up for the whole class. As we'd say up North, what a divvie! By the end he was down to puny weights and grimacing as if he were lifting 5 times the weight.
Oh my God, DOMS! Somehow I managed to run in the evening. It was supposed to be 10 miles but I misremembered the route and it was nearly 11. Oops. I was suffering with acid reflux during the whole run, then with heartburn all night. Do I have any Gaviscon in the house? No, of course not!
The FIRST ever Gedling parkrun, which is handily just 1.5 miles from my house. That is the hilliest and hardest course I have ever run. I knew that of course, I've run in there before, but I hadn't attempted to run quickly. Anyway, I was FIRST lady, so I temporarily hold a course record. It was really slow though, so it won't last long!
FIRST proper long run since February. In the context of marathon training I don't consider anything under 18 miles to be 'long'. I had to do an out and back route due to a cycling event taking place. I had wanted to avoid the nature reserve but had no choice. In June it's full of obstacles and hazards in the forms of families with children, dogs and bikes, elderly birdwatchers who dawdle around on the paths taking up too much space, and beasties. Lots of beasties. I think I ate about a hundred of them, and a good few more were stuck to my T-shirt. Bleurgh. Anyway, it wasn't exactly easy, but 18 miles bagged.
So 60.5 miles bagged. Reading back over my blogs from the last marathon I actually ran (London 2014) I'd say I'm in a slightly better position fitness wise, but I was battling snow back then, rather than midgies!
Monday, 15 June 2015
The Notts 10, a soggy problem and more tests for the grouchy guts
This 10 miler is organised by my club and I've done quite well in it in the past, but this year they've made a bigger deal of the sharp end, made it an Inter-Area match, offered free elite places to the superfast and offered good prize money to get the big guns in. As a result, despite technically running a PB (I've run a faster pace per mile over an entire half marathon though) I only finished 15th lady. However, the speedsters weren't local so I still won the County Champs and this time (unlike the XC) I was allowed both gold medals - senior and V35.
It absolutely threw it down with rain, so the steeplechase last weekend proved useful for practice at running in sopping wet shoes and socks I suppose. It was a bit grim, but the usual howling gale was notably absent, so on the whole I'd say conditions were reasonable. I kept losing concentration and the pace would drift. Without the Garmin I'd have been stuffed. Maybe it's just lack of practice. Anyway, I worked my way up the field, passing quite a few fellas and at least 3 women. I averaged 6.35s, which will hopefully be marathon pace in 16 weeks time.
Having had grouchy guts all week that had led to one emergency loo dash, one curtailment and one zero miles day, I resorted to immodium. It did the job, but I had some painful cramping afterwards. I still had some Mebeverine (anti -spasmodic) left over and that didn't do a thing.
Then I got home at 10pm, forced myself to eat some cereal and went upstairs. Opened the airing cupboard and got dripped on. Some confusion ensued. I groggily got out the ladders and climbed up into the loft. Oh F**k. Leaking roof. I stuck the washing up bowl under it and went to bed! Having finally dug out my insurance docs I called the home emergency dept of my home insurance and they promised a roofer on Sunday. As far as I can tell, they didn't come. But, it was a bit rainy and I went out to see Motley Crue at Download in the evening (awesome, by the way, but it was so cold I didn't hang around for the whole of Kiss's set afterwards). This morning however, I *think* I heard someone on the roof. I didn't see any sign of anyone though and they've not left a card. Hmmm. May have to ring up again and check what the deal is!
Today was the day of the appointment with the GI specialist. I liked the posh hospital but I didn't much care for the doctor. He seemed keen to get the appointment over with. Maybe because I was an NHS patient in a private hospital? He totally rubbished Fodmap and told me to eat more nuts, avoid all wheat but eat wholewheat pasta. Er, what? That doesn't even make sense. Pasta really bloats me and I'd already told him that was an identified trigger, along with dairy, egg, rye, large quantities of soya and large quantities of fats. Anyway, he sent me away with a little plastic container and instructed me to bring it back and have my bloods done at the same time. Now, I've had to collect a poo sample from my cat before, but from myself???? That was a spectacularly unpleasant experience, but it's done. I took it back and they took my blood. Now I wait. Again.
It absolutely threw it down with rain, so the steeplechase last weekend proved useful for practice at running in sopping wet shoes and socks I suppose. It was a bit grim, but the usual howling gale was notably absent, so on the whole I'd say conditions were reasonable. I kept losing concentration and the pace would drift. Without the Garmin I'd have been stuffed. Maybe it's just lack of practice. Anyway, I worked my way up the field, passing quite a few fellas and at least 3 women. I averaged 6.35s, which will hopefully be marathon pace in 16 weeks time.
Having had grouchy guts all week that had led to one emergency loo dash, one curtailment and one zero miles day, I resorted to immodium. It did the job, but I had some painful cramping afterwards. I still had some Mebeverine (anti -spasmodic) left over and that didn't do a thing.
Then I got home at 10pm, forced myself to eat some cereal and went upstairs. Opened the airing cupboard and got dripped on. Some confusion ensued. I groggily got out the ladders and climbed up into the loft. Oh F**k. Leaking roof. I stuck the washing up bowl under it and went to bed! Having finally dug out my insurance docs I called the home emergency dept of my home insurance and they promised a roofer on Sunday. As far as I can tell, they didn't come. But, it was a bit rainy and I went out to see Motley Crue at Download in the evening (awesome, by the way, but it was so cold I didn't hang around for the whole of Kiss's set afterwards). This morning however, I *think* I heard someone on the roof. I didn't see any sign of anyone though and they've not left a card. Hmmm. May have to ring up again and check what the deal is!
Today was the day of the appointment with the GI specialist. I liked the posh hospital but I didn't much care for the doctor. He seemed keen to get the appointment over with. Maybe because I was an NHS patient in a private hospital? He totally rubbished Fodmap and told me to eat more nuts, avoid all wheat but eat wholewheat pasta. Er, what? That doesn't even make sense. Pasta really bloats me and I'd already told him that was an identified trigger, along with dairy, egg, rye, large quantities of soya and large quantities of fats. Anyway, he sent me away with a little plastic container and instructed me to bring it back and have my bloods done at the same time. Now, I've had to collect a poo sample from my cat before, but from myself???? That was a spectacularly unpleasant experience, but it's done. I took it back and they took my blood. Now I wait. Again.
Thursday, 11 June 2015
The wrong kind of run
This week has not been great so far. On Monday I took a rest day to recover from a bonkers weekend of travelling and racing (800m, 3000m, 1500m in the Midlands league in Gloucester on Saturday followed by the steeplechase in the UK Women's league on Sunday - no, I'm not a steeplechaser, but ours wasn't available on the day). I needed it, I was wrecked.
On Tuesday I went to train at the track. Ours is closed for refurbishment so we're borrowing the one at Mansfield, which is great for me as it's just down the road from where I work. The bloating and discomfort started before the session did, and one of my 'recoveries' was spent dashing to the loo and my cool down had to be curtailed.
On Wednesday I was having issues all day and couldn't risk leaving the house in the evening, so another day's training was lost.
Tonight I set of for a 6 - 7 mile recce of the new parkrun route that will soon start in the new Country Park they've made just a mile or two down the road from my house on the site of the old colliery/recycling centre, but had to abort and take the shortest route home. What followed was really, really unpleasant.
Tomorrow night I have a 10 mile road race. I'm worried. I'm not in decent shape anyway, but I'm worried I might not make it round without issues. And to make it worse they've given me an Elite number. Aaaargh.
I need fixing. Now!
On Tuesday I went to train at the track. Ours is closed for refurbishment so we're borrowing the one at Mansfield, which is great for me as it's just down the road from where I work. The bloating and discomfort started before the session did, and one of my 'recoveries' was spent dashing to the loo and my cool down had to be curtailed.
On Wednesday I was having issues all day and couldn't risk leaving the house in the evening, so another day's training was lost.
Tonight I set of for a 6 - 7 mile recce of the new parkrun route that will soon start in the new Country Park they've made just a mile or two down the road from my house on the site of the old colliery/recycling centre, but had to abort and take the shortest route home. What followed was really, really unpleasant.
Tomorrow night I have a 10 mile road race. I'm worried. I'm not in decent shape anyway, but I'm worried I might not make it round without issues. And to make it worse they've given me an Elite number. Aaaargh.
I need fixing. Now!
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
About this blog
I am a runner primarily, although I'm also partial to the odd Beachbody workout. I am also intolerant. Not of people (well, actually, maybe I am a bit). Food is the problem. My issues started a few years ago with terrible cramps and, erm, worse, after hard sessions and races. I had some intolerance tests done at my local Nuffield Wellness Centre (where I was lucky enough to be a member at the time - before the recession of course!) and they came back with intolerances to durum wheat, dairy, eggs and rye, plus a plethora of minor intolerances.
Years of experiment revealed that replacing milk with soya led to the same issues, as did lactose free milk.
Once I'd gotten the hang of it I got by for years with just the odd issue, like anyone else. This year though, it became A Problem.
There was that run on a dark Wednesday evening when I suddenly had to go. Like right this very second. The problem was that I was on a well light residential street and wearing fluorescent high viz clothing. There were no pubs, no parks, no alleyways. Nada. I had to walk/shuffle a good half mile before finding a tiny stretch of parkland that happened to be unlit and had a tree in a place that would 'do'. What a horrendous experience. Then there were a couple of post interval session emergencies too. Then the post exercise bloating started to become post eating bloating. If I'm feeling brave I may post the photos I took after a meal one day. It's so, so painful.
The pain and other symptoms started to take over my life and triggered a bout of depression and eventually it all just got too much. The GP sent me for a barrage of blood tests that ruled out coeliac disease, so she diagnosed IBS, increased the dose of my antidepressants and gave me some Mebeverin to try. We discussed the FODMAP diet but she said she couldn't refer me to a dietitian. The Mebeverin didn't work. My mood is better, but my stomach issues are just as bad. So next up is the GI specialist on Monday. Meanwhile I'm attempting FODMAP elimination alone (not advised according to every bit of literature I've read, but is 'fine for a sensible girl like you' according to my GP). Not sure just how sensible I really am, as no doubt will become clear over the course of my blog!
This blog will hopefully track my journey back to health and fitness as I train for my 10th marathon - Chester on October 4th.
Years of experiment revealed that replacing milk with soya led to the same issues, as did lactose free milk.
Once I'd gotten the hang of it I got by for years with just the odd issue, like anyone else. This year though, it became A Problem.
There was that run on a dark Wednesday evening when I suddenly had to go. Like right this very second. The problem was that I was on a well light residential street and wearing fluorescent high viz clothing. There were no pubs, no parks, no alleyways. Nada. I had to walk/shuffle a good half mile before finding a tiny stretch of parkland that happened to be unlit and had a tree in a place that would 'do'. What a horrendous experience. Then there were a couple of post interval session emergencies too. Then the post exercise bloating started to become post eating bloating. If I'm feeling brave I may post the photos I took after a meal one day. It's so, so painful.
The pain and other symptoms started to take over my life and triggered a bout of depression and eventually it all just got too much. The GP sent me for a barrage of blood tests that ruled out coeliac disease, so she diagnosed IBS, increased the dose of my antidepressants and gave me some Mebeverin to try. We discussed the FODMAP diet but she said she couldn't refer me to a dietitian. The Mebeverin didn't work. My mood is better, but my stomach issues are just as bad. So next up is the GI specialist on Monday. Meanwhile I'm attempting FODMAP elimination alone (not advised according to every bit of literature I've read, but is 'fine for a sensible girl like you' according to my GP). Not sure just how sensible I really am, as no doubt will become clear over the course of my blog!
This blog will hopefully track my journey back to health and fitness as I train for my 10th marathon - Chester on October 4th.
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