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Stafford HM 2014

Thursday, 11 June 2015

The wrong kind of run

This week has not been great so far. On Monday I took a rest day to recover from a bonkers weekend of travelling and racing (800m, 3000m, 1500m in the Midlands league in Gloucester on Saturday followed by the steeplechase in the UK Women's league on Sunday - no, I'm not a steeplechaser, but ours wasn't available on the day). I needed it, I was wrecked.

On Tuesday I went to train at the track. Ours is closed for refurbishment so we're borrowing the one at Mansfield, which is great for me as it's just down the road from where I work. The bloating and discomfort started before the session did, and one of my 'recoveries' was spent dashing to the loo and my cool down had to be curtailed.

On Wednesday I was having issues all day and couldn't risk leaving the house in the evening, so another day's training was lost.

Tonight I set of for a 6 - 7 mile recce of the new parkrun route that will soon start in the new Country Park they've made just a mile or two down the road from my house on the site of the old colliery/recycling centre, but had to abort and take the shortest route home. What followed was really, really unpleasant.

Tomorrow night I have a 10 mile road race. I'm worried. I'm not in decent shape anyway, but I'm worried I might not make it round without issues. And to make it worse they've given me an Elite number. Aaaargh.

I need fixing. Now!

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