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Stafford HM 2014

Saturday, 1 August 2015

A miserable and self pitying blog

I'm writing this now (Saturday evening) because I have big plans for tomorrow that I expect to leave me rather too tired to write.

This has not been a good week at all.

On Monday I just could not get out of bed for my morning workout. This is not laziness, sleepiness or CNBA, this is genuine, cannot move, fatigue. Despite only running about 7 miles the day before. I was groggy and full of mind fog all day at work too. Once I got going on the treadmill I felt more like myself and decided to add the missed morning miles to my evening run, sacrificing Body Pump class.

Tuesday seemed better on the whole, until about five to five pm when I was struck with a bout of cramps. I got to the gym (where I get changed for my track session) and barely made it through the door. I took Buscopan and Imodium. I got through my track session with only another three emergency visits.

On Wednesday I felt awful. I was nauseous for most of the day. It comes in waves, but they were frequent and horrible. I got home and went straight to bed, not waking until the alarm went off on Thursday.

The grogginess may have been down to the excess sleep, but there was cramping too. I forced myself out of the door for my planned tempo run, but it did not go to plan. I couldn't hit HMP and within 2 miles of the faster section I was in pain. I made it to three miles before having to stop and reduce to a shuffle until I found a secluded bush to hide in. Nothing actually doing though, just air. By now I haven't 'been' since the D on Tuesday. One more mile and I hit my previous HMP for that one, but cut the cooldown short because I was in pain.

Friday was more of the same really. Waves of nausea, cramp, fatigue. I got home and relief came in the form of a massive amount of poop. The fluffy, cow pat type. Oh the relief, but I wasn't quite done, apparently. I had to dive into a bush on my run and the whole run was slow and a massive effort. Again the mileage was lower than it was supposed to be as I blew up like a balloon and it was too painful to carry on.

Today I awoke feeling really poorly. I couldn't get up for parkrun. In fact it was nearly 10 am when I finally surfaced. I ate breakfast then felt even worse. Eventually I made it out for a run and within 4 minutes I was in pain. I arrived at the vets to pick up my cat's medication feeling shaky, sweaty and like I really needed the loo. But I had to get home again. So once again, the mileage was short. I have seriously had enough of this. I'm not enjoying the one thing that usually gives me the most satisfaction in life, and I'm hating work. Resenting being there when I'm in pain and feeling like I might throw up, poop myself, pass out or all three at once.

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