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Stafford HM 2014

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Falling well short of target

More Saturday bloggage as I'll be back late tomorrow night.

This week has been pretty much a write off as far as training goes. Not so great on the 'other' side either. Except for Monday, when I randomly felt healthy for the first time in months. I wasn't fatigued, my stomach didn't cramp, no dizziness, no light headedness, no nausea, no running to the loo and very little distention. Despite running 27 very hilly miles the day before. My legs were in agony though!

Back to normal on Tuesday, and with 'Tuesday Legs' to boot.

Wednesday - I meant to do some proper running, I really did. But I got home to my delivery from Musclefood and had to spend an age filling the freezer with lovely lean meat, and cooking a load of it too. So I only ran 4 miles on my home treadmill.

Thursday - A bit of a disaster of a day. Life intervened. I did get 5 miles done though.

Friday - My long awaited appointment with the consultant. I felt rubbish all day and when he told me my results had all come back 'normal' I nearly cried. That means there's still no solution to this. I made him read last week's blog. He didn't seem too bothered. He did refer me for a colonscopy though, and sent me home with a set of instructions for the laxative. It all sounds a bit grim. I have to take this laxative drink starting from 4pm the day before, and from that moment on I can basically expect to be sitting on the loo for the next twelve hours. For two days before the procedure I can only eat boiled chicken, boiled or steamed white fish and potatoes with no skin. Supposedly I can also have white bread, butter, eggs and rich tea biscuits, but I already know I have major intolerance to dairy and eggs and the GI doc told me not to eat wheat, so I really don't know what to do there. I'm supposed to be escorted home (that'll be by a taxi driver) and have someone with me at home for 24 hours afterwards (right, cos no-one has jobs to go to. That'll be the cat, then.). And I can't drive for 24 hours either. I will go insane! Just waiting on the date to come through.

Saturday - Paced parkrun again and this time I made it in on time with no Garmin error! 24.50 and at least one very happy fella with a shiny new PB.

Tomorrow I have to drive all the way to Wigan to run for (hopefully) less than 11 minutes, hang around for a team photo then drive all the way back again. If we get promoted it will be worth it! I'm just praying I don't get roped into the steeplechase again.

Mileage for the week was scheduled to be 50, but will actually be about 20.


  1. The colonoscopy is not such a big deal, just be prepared for a "ring of fire" if you wipe too much during the day before clear out. Eat reasonably after the procedure, otherwise you will feel really weak and poorly

  2. All that cannot drive etc for 24 hours after is nonsense too.
